
Titia Reuser

Since 2017 I have worked as a jewellery expert on the Dutch TV program 'Tussen Kunst en Kitsch' (similar to the BBC's “Antiques Roadshow”).

Your jewellery is worth an appraisal …

An independent appraisal can save you a lot of trouble. An appraisal document guarantees  adequate compensation from your insurance company in the case of theft or loss. And in case you wish to distribute your possessions or are forced to do so an appraisal document provides an objective assessment of their value.

… by an appraiser who is a goldsmith …

Jewellery needs to be appraised in terms of its history, its origin and the craftsmanship of its maker, but also in terms of its condition. Minute damage can negatively influence its value. As a goldsmith I can assess how serious the damage is, if it is easy to repair and to what extent it is decisive for the value.

… as well as a gemmologist …

Since I also wanted to be able to appraise gemstones I completed the international course of Gemmology next to my training as a goldsmith. I can now call myself FGA, i.e. Fellow of the Gemmological Association of Great Britain. Since gemstones often form an essential part of jewellery this specialism is important for a proper appraisal.

… by appointment at your home.

You can consult me for an appraisal document of your jewellery, for advice on buying or selling jewellery as well as for advice on restoration.

Titia Reuser Gecertificeerd Taxateur Juwelen

Sinds 2017 werk ik als expert juwelen bij het tv-programma 'Tussen Kunst en Kitsch'.